Query for Caryn Wiseman, Executive Agent at Andrea Brown Literary Agency
Please be sure that you have checked my MSWL for the latest on what I'm looking for. Please only submit in appropriate categories.
Fields marked (required) are required. All other fields are encouraged.
・If you are an illustrator submitting art samples only (not a dummy), please put "SEEKING ART REPRESENTATION" in lieu of a title. And "0" or "1" for Word Count. In the sample section, simply write "n/a."
・If you are submitting non-fiction work, submit your proposal and one to three chapters in the sample section.
Thank you for your query.
Step 1. Tell us about the author
Fill in these author-related fields.
Tell us a little about yourself and any writing credentials you may have.
Step 2. Tell us about the book
Fill in these book-related fields.
Enter a one sentence pitch for your book.
List some books that are similar to yours. (500 characters or less)
Step 3. For Artists and Illustrators
Provide illustrations or art samples, if applicable.