Thank you for querying me (Brady McReynolds @ JABberwocky) with your book! Please fill out all the info required and be sure to pay attention to the genres that are specified below.

I am specifically NOT looking for: Young Adult, Middle Grade, Children's, nor short story collections.

But here is what I do want:

SCIENCE-FICTION: Space opera in the vein of Ian M. Banks’ Culture series and Peter F. Hamilton’s Salvation trilogy, military SF like Jack Campbell’s the Lost Fleet, thrillers like Rob Hart’s The Paradox Hotel or Mur Lafferty’s Six Wakes, and near-future tales like Liu Cixin’s Three Body Problem. Other favorites include: the Murderbot Diaries by Martha Wells and Klara and the Sun by Kazuo Ishiguro.

FANTASY: Cozy fantasy like Legends & Lattes by Travis Baldree, sweeping historical sagas such as Babel by R.R. Kuang, and moody dark academia like Naomi Novik’s Scholomance trilogy and Vita Nostra by the Dyachenko’s. I prefer secondary worlds in the vein of The Fifth Season by NK Jemisin, complex magic systems (a la Brandon Sanderson), epic fantasy with a strong romantic edge, fairy tale and myth retellings (especially from non-western cultures) such as Daughter of the Moon Goddess by Sue Lynn Tan, fantastical heist novels, and anything that can be described as Dungeons & Dragons-adjacent.

SPECULATIVE FICTION: Similar to the SF/F above, I am always interested in stories that contain elements of the fantastic and far-flung but that might not fit neatly into those categories. MJ Wassmer’s forthcoming Zero Stars: Do Not Recommend is a good example of that (the sun explodes while a couple is on vacation), as well as flat-out “new weird” stories like Borne by Jeff VanderMeer.

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Step 2. Tell us about the book

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This agent only represents the genres shown in this list. Selecting an inaccurate genre will result in a rejection. If your book's genre is not shown here, please go to QueryTracker for a list of agents who do represent your genre.
Enter the approximate WORD count of your book. Enter numbers only. Do not include any letters or special characters.

Is this book currently published or has it ever been published before?      

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(If your book is shorter than this (such as a picture book) please include the entire text.) Upload the first 2 chapters of your book, or your full book proposal if your book is non-fiction..
Acceptable file formats: doc, docx, pdf.
File Size Limit: 2 MB (same as 2,000 KB) (Get help for large files)

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