Alex Adsett Literary Submissions

Thank you for considering Alex Adsett Literary. Please note the following guidelines:

You are welcome to submit ONLY if:

1. You have been invited to submit pursuant to a formal or informal pitch to Abigail, or she has met you at an event or speaking engagement, or

2. Someone Abigail knows and trusts has personally got in touch with her and recommended you, or

3. You are an author from an under-represented background – including First Nations, authors of colour, authors with disability, or authors from varied socio-economic circumstances.

Please note AAL is only taking submissions from authors in Australia, New Zealand, the Pacific Islands or SE Asia. We are NOT accepting submissions from USA, UK, Canada, Europe, India or Africa.

Abigail is unable to take on any manuscripts she has previously worked on in her capacity as an editor at Bothersome Words.

For more information, please check the agency submission guidelines before submitting

As a guide: 150 word Author Bio, 500 word Query Letter, 600 word synopsis.

Step 1. Tell us about the author

Fill in these author-related fields.

Tell us a little about yourself and any writing credentials you may have.

Have you previously published other books?      
Have you ever been represented by a literary agent before?      

Step 2. Tell us about the book

Fill in these book-related fields.

This agent only represents the genres shown in this list. Selecting an inaccurate genre will result in a rejection. If your book's genre is not shown here, please go to QueryTracker for a list of agents who do represent your genre.
Enter the approximate WORD count of your book. Enter numbers only. Do not include any letters or special characters.

Is this book currently published or has it ever been published before?      

Enter your query letter for this book. (Tips for formatting and pasting text) Do NOT paste images into this field. Pasting large blocks of text can take several minutes. Please be patient.
Pro Tip: Make your query letter shine, get it critiqued for free at

Enter a short synopsis of your book. (Tips for formatting and pasting text) Do NOT paste images into this field. Pasting large blocks of text can take several minutes. Please be patient.

(If your book is shorter than this (such as a picture book) please include the entire text.) Upload the first 10 pages of your book, or your full book proposal if your book is non-fiction..
Acceptable file formats: doc, docx, pdf.
File Size Limit: 2 MB (same as 2,000 KB) (Get help for large files)

Enter a one sentence pitch for your book.

Who will want to read your book. For example, girls under 12, fans of John Grisham, etc. (500 characters or less)

List some books that are similar to yours. (500 characters or less)

Optional: Sign into QueryTracker

A QueryTracker account is NOT required to send a query. If you are not a member of QueryTracker, you can skip this section.
Or join QueryTracker, a free service that helps authors find agents and keep track of queries.

Signing into QueryTracker will link this query to your QueryTracker account, allowing it to be automatically tracked and displayed in QueryTracker.

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Final Step: Submit Your Query

Important: After submitting your query, you will receive a personalized link to a special page that you can visit any time to check your query's status.

If the recipient of your query would like to read more, they will contact you through that page as well as through email.

This form is powered by Query Manager, a service of Query Tracker. If you have any questions about this service, please Contact Us.

QueryTracker is a free service for authors to help them find literary agents and organize query letters. Learn more.