Query Mx. D. Ann Williams at Emerald City Literary Agency

Thank you for querying me! I look forward to reading your work.

Please note that I am only accepting YA, MG, and select PB submissions. I am looking to build a diverse list of authors and texts that have been historically underrepresented in publishing. Emerald City Literary Agency asks that you do not query more than one of our agents at a time (Mandy Hubbard, Linda Epstein, Garrett Alwert, and Caitlin White).

BIPOC, Queer/Trans, ND, Disability, Religions & spiritual beliefs underrepresented in publishing, Intersectionality

☑️ PB Wants:
STEM-based, break down gender stereotypes, variety of family structures, non-fic focused on time periods/events/people who's stories haven't been told

☑️ MG/YA Wants:
Horror (darker the better but keep it in the age category), Rom-coms with a hook, Coming of age, Spec (especially afro-futurism, magical realism, fantasy set in non-Western/Global North cultures), Mysteries (gimme the new Westing Game!!!), Historicals with a twist (spec, queer, mystery, etc.), Found families, Stories where race, gender, and sexuality aren't the center. They can just be badass characters!

I do NOT represent Adult or New Adult age categories (characters over 18). Please do not send me manuscripts with the following: big cities that are not diverse, burying the gays, spec (especially high fantasy) based on colonialism/imperialism concepts, rhyming PB, anthropomorphism (talking animals/objects), and I'm not super partial to sports settings but twists (thriller, paranormal, etc.) can help.

I will respond to every submission I receive. Please feel free to nudge me to check on the status of your query if I've had your query for 12 weeks or more.

Thank you again for considering ECLA,

D. Ann (she/they)

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Step 2. Tell us about the book

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(If your book is shorter than this (such as a picture book) please include the entire text.) Paste in the first 20 pages of your book, or your full book proposal if your book is non-fiction. (Tips for formatting and pasting text) Do NOT paste images into this field. Pasting large blocks of text can take several minutes. Please be patient.
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