Submit to Tracy Marchini, Senior Literary Agent at BookEnds, Jr.
Thank you for your interest!
If you are submitting a picture book, please paste the full text where the form asks for the first five pages. For author-illustrator picture books, please include a link to the dummy and/or your portfolio.
If you are submitting a novel, please include your one to two page full synopsis in the synopsis field.
(Please note that I do not currently represent books for adults. To learn more about what I'm looking for, you can find my #mswl at, browse the books I represent and check out my current client list.)
Step 1. Tell us about the author
Fill in these author-related fields.
Step 2. Tell us about the book
Fill in these book-related fields.
Step 3. For Artists and Illustrators
Provide illustrations or art samples, if applicable.