QueryManager Privacy Policy

Data Collected

All queries collected remain the property of the agent or editor account holder, except in the case where an agreement exists between the account holder and his/her employer which states that the employer holds all rights.

If an account is closed for any reason, the account holder may retain access to the account in order to close out queries and/or download records. If the account holder’s employer holds the rights to all queries, then that account will be transferred to an appropriate representative upon request.

Queries and other collected data are not shared, sold, or distributed with any other entity except the following:

  • Account holders who have their QueryManager accounts linked may transfer queries between themselves.
  • Account holders can forward queries via email or other means to outside entities. QueryManager takes no responsibility for the sharing of data by account holders.
  • In the future, query dates and states can be automatically transferred to an author’s QueryTracker account for easier query tracking by the author. This information is limited to the date queries were sent and replied to, and the condition of those replies. The information is limited to what an author would normally enter into QueryTracker manually, and only upon request of the author.
  • Where required by law.


Your QueryManager login and password are stored on our system. The password is encrypted so no one (not even us) can read it. This is how we protect your password, even if our system is hacked. Though no amount of security can protect against all data breaches, everything that can be done is done to protect your account. These safeguards help prevent unauthorized access, maintain data accuracy, and ensure the appropriate use of data, but NO GUARANTEE CAN BE MADE THAT YOUR INFORMATION AND DATA WILL BE SECURE FROM INTRUSIONS AND UNAUTHORIZED RELEASE TO THIRD PARTIES.

It is also your responsibility to protect your QueryManager login and password information on your end.


We use cookies but we never store any personal information in them.

Changes to this Policy

If we change anything of real significance in this policy, we'll notify you via an in-app notification system.