Query Molly Ketcheson at Wolfson Literary Agency
Thank you for considering me for your work; I'm so looking forward to reading it. A few things to note:
1. I aim to respond to queries in four weeks, though it may take longer. I do try to respond to every query, and I thank you in advance for your patience!
2. Wolfson Literary has a 'no from one is a no from all' policy, as we actively share submissions between us. So please only query one WLA agent!
3. If you are unable to fill out this form for any reason, please send me your query and first five pages at molly@wolfsonliterary.com. Please put 'QUERY: Book Title' in the subject line.
Step 1. Tell us about the author
Fill in these author-related fields.
Tell us a little about yourself and any writing credentials you may have.
Step 2. Tell us about the book
Fill in these book-related fields.
Enter a one sentence pitch for your book.
Who will want to read your book. For example, girls under 12, fans of John Grisham, etc. (500 characters or less)
List some books that are similar to yours. (500 characters or less)