What agents have to say...

"In my many years I’ve been in publishing there have been a number of services that offer agents an “easy” way to find new clients. They never worked. Query Manager presents an entirely different platform and has all of the bells and whistles I want in a query database. It’s easy for us to see who else within the agency an author has queried, to forward queries to others, to track how often an author has queried us over time and to respond. Patrick has been wonderful about adding and modifying things based on our feedback. I truly hope this service takes off because I can’t imagine an easier and better way to handle queries."
- Jessica Faust, Bookends Literary Agency

"QueryManager is fantastic! It has made reviewing and responding to queries and submissions much easier. Whether at my desk or on the go, I can request and reject material with a few simple steps. It’s streamlined the submission process and cleared up my email inbox. I couldn’t be happier. Thank you, Patrick, for this great service!"
- Jessica Alvarez, Bookends Literary Agency

"QueryManager is a tool that our agency would not want to be without. The QM database system is very user-friendly, with the click of a button we can change our submission form, genre preferences and set timing and reminders for submissions in order to stay on top of queries and manuscripts. I love that this system allows us to flag word count, genres and repeat submissions, it makes it much easier to stay organized. The submit a query button allows visiting writers the ability to submit directly from our website and at the same time receive a notification so that they too can track their submissions. QueryManager is a one stop shop for all query and submission related tasks. We cannot thank Patrick and the QueryManager Team enough for bringing this fantastic tool to our attention."
- Stacey Donaghy, Donaghy Literary Group

"Query Manager has made a huge difference for me. The ease of use and the ability to see my queries, submissions, and statistics all in one place eliminates the drudgery that can come with the query box, while keeping all of the fun of it. "
- Valerie Noble, Donaghy Literary Group

"I've tried several submission programs in the past but QueryManager is by far the best! It has so many options in regards to how I want to receive and organize my submissions (genre, word count, specific parameters I create, etc), and I love how I can flag a submission when I'm looking for something specific. This program has literally cut my query review time in half. At a glance, I can also see my detailed query stats (volume, requests v/s passes, genre breakdown, and turnaround time). I would definitely recommend this program, particularly if you have a high volume of submissions to review."
- Christine Witthohn, Book Cents Literary Agency

"Query Manager has transformed my life for the better!"
- Fiona Kenshole, Transatlantic Literary